My name is Don van Ravenzwaaij and I am a Professor at the Psychometrics and Statistics Department of Psychology at the University of Groningen. I am also currently Editor-in-Chief of the journal Collabra: Psychology. My research focuses on the proper use of statistical inference in science (for details, see my Papers). This work includes, but is not limited to, promoting the use of Bayesian statistics, advocating preregistration of experiments, conducting replications, developing the statistics to test replications, and developing flexible decision criteria in statistical inference. A one-and-a-half minute video of my research (in Dutch) can be found here.
Earlier in my career I worked on the advancement and application of response time models to speeded decision making (and I occasionally still dabble in this field). This work involves both theoretical and applied work in the fields of mathematical psychology, statistics, neurophysiology, intelligence research, social psychology, psychopharmacology, and clinical psychology.

Affiliation: University of Groningen
University Page:
Address: Heymans Building, rm 239
Grote Kruisstraat 2/1
9712 TS Groningen
The Netherlands
Telephone: (+31) 50 363 7021
email: d[dot]van[dot]ravenzwaaij[at]rug[dot]nl
Curriculum Vitae: pdf